slozeno proslo trajno vrijeme-Past Perfect Contious tense

2011-03-20 11:58

 subjekat + simple past od "to have" + past particip od "to be" + present particip gl. glagola

Odrični oblik se pravi ubacivanjem rječice not, a upitni oblik inverzijom subjekta i glagola

"to have".

Past Perfect Continuous upotrebljava se da bi se označila radnja koja je trajala u prošlosti

prije neke druge prošle radnje:

Ram started waiting at 9am. I arrived at 11am.

When I arrived, Ram had been waiting for two hours.

Ram had been waiting for two hours when I arrived.

past present future

Ram je počeo sa čekanjem u

9 sati.



Ja sam stigao u 11 sati.

John was very tired. he had been running. (John je bio veoma umoran, trčao je cijele večeri)

I could smell cigarettes. somebody had been smoking. (osjetio sam cigarete, neko je pušio).

Past Perfect Continous se također upotrebljava u indirektnom govoru umjesto trajnog oblika

prošlog vremena (past continuous tense) u direktnom govoru.

D: Peter said: "Some of my friends have playing cards all night."

(Peter reče: "Neki moji prijatelji su igrali karte cijele večeri".)

I: Peter said that some of his friends had been playing cards all night.

to call - zvati

I had been calling I had not been calling had I been calling?

you had been calling you had not been calling had you been calling?

he, she, it had been calling he, she, it had not been calling had he, she, it had been


we had been calling we had not been calling had we been calling?

you had been calling you had not been calling had you been calling?

they had been calling they had not been calling had they been calling?